Make fear your FRIEND, NEIGHBOR & PAL.

The number 23 has been a significant number in my adult life so it seemed fitting that 2023 would be a transformative year for me. Once January began I declared that I would be open to all possibilities of growth for myself when and wherever they popped up, regardless of the fear that may raise it’s pretty little head. I don’t know how many times fear has kept me from discovering my truest potential, so this year I decided to say “NO MORE BULLSHIT!!!” I think writing this blog post is another way for me to honor my integrity and “Shine!”

It’s funny how the universe has your back when you put the vibe out into the world about what you desire. I kept thinking that this year I was going to do something where I could speak to an audience about my love for photography, but had no idea radio was going to be the platform for my message.

How this story started was I kept thinking of my friend Pam, a lovely soul I had not seen for many years and finally decided to reach out to say hello. It was wonderful to catch up with her after so much time had passed and she told me all about her new job working for 96.1 FM. The conversation continued on and then she asked the BIG DADDY QUESTION, “Would you like to be on the radio Robin?” My heart skipped a beat and immediately my anxiety bubbled up to the surface. I began to hear my typical narrative of “I can’t do this, I am more comfortable behind the camera, I don’t have time, I am not prepared, no one cares about what I have to say and I have no idea what to talk about.” I was such a super freak in my head I couldn’t help but notice the ridiculousness of my dialogue. After I got off the phone with Pam I realized immediately I had to get off the crazy train of self sabotage and try a brand new course of action.

When I made the decision to do the “George Costanza” and go the opposite direction of my current thinking I laughed and a whole new script developed. I thought about how much fun this experience could be with the right mindset. I love being a photographer and serving others with my passion, so why wouldn’t I want to talk about it with other entrepreneurs so they can do the same with their passions? I was excited about sharing my knowledge as a fine artist, graphic designer, photo retoucher and editor and how these skills have enhanced my photography today. I also could not wait to talk about my work with Alzheimer’s San Diego because it is so near and dear to my heart. As the new story took shape I started feeling my joy and confidence bump my nervousness to the side and say, “You got this baby.” As I continued the interview it was like the best parts of me began to shine through and all I had was gratitude for the opportunity that I was given!

As I drove home from the station and reflected on my time with Pam and Mark I was pleased with myself in taking the plunge into uncharted waters. I knew this was a feeling I did not want to wash over me like rain on the hood of my car, I WANTED IT TO STICK. I told myself to NEVER forget what I did and how great it felt to overcome something I thought would be scary. I now remind myself everyday to ask the question, “What amazing opportunity will I have today Robin?” Now that my awareness and openness buttons are on full throttle, my life has no boundaries except the ones I choose to set for myself. I can’t wait to see what is next!

If you are interested in listening to my interview with Mark the Spark click here. My hope is you see something in my story that will help you overcome a fear in your life and “Shine!”