I had never been to Joshua Tree and this year I promised myself to be more purposeful in my choices to have experiences I truly desire in life. As I sat on top of the rock and looked at this stunning landscape I knew we made the right choice to come here. We all have the power to create the lives we want, but are we willing to step out of our cozy little bubbles and venture out onto a path less traveled? I have always been challenged by the notion of “being comfortable with being uncomfortable.” Ironically, it is those very spaces I am most content. It’s the stretch that is always the most satisfying…so why don’t I do it more often?
This place made me feel very tiny and the question that kept swirling in my head was, “How could someone so small make a difference in this giant world?” It is interesting how nature has such a powerful effect when we take the time to be present to it. It brings forth questions that you might not think about in the daily hustle of life. It is an opportunity to STOP AND LISTEN TO YOUR SOUL. It is in this pause we discover what we love most and why we are here. I was meant to be in this very spot, photographing this very image and sharing this very thought with you…I love that:)
As I went deeper into my thoughts I wanted to strip away the color from my eyes and just focus on the shapes and the tones before me. The sky no longer looked like a sky, but just a massive canvas of paint strokes of grays and whites. The trees were no longer trees, but crazy looking creatures with wiry arms and bendy spines. The mountains were not mountains, but all types of human forms lying down taking in the warmth of the late afternoon sun. It was fun to let my imagination run wild and create a scene in my mind that was just for me.
As I heard the faint voices of my family behind me climbing the rocks I had to get the shot of what I hold closest to my heart. This is why I am here… to be the best I can be, share that with them and capture our experiences along the way. I did not grow up taking family road trips and I wish I had. This little window of time with these 3 meant more to me than I could say and all I want to do is create more of these memories with them.
As the sun began to set I grabbed my tripod and set up the last shot of the day. The colors were beautiful and it was the perfect way to end our little adventure in Joshua Tree 2021. This trip was special and it reminded me once again how important it is to just stop and appreciate all that life has to offer us RIGHT NOW. Joshua Tree has always been there, but it took me 53 years to get there. I no longer have regrets about what was missing from my childhood, the trips I didn’t take and the adventures I could of had but didn’t. I was meant to be here now, take this photograph now and share it with you NOW.
“Create memorable experiences, there’s no time like the present.”